Category Archives: Torah

Hezbollah To Open ‘New Front’ In Golan Heights



Beloved Prayer Warriors ,

we are sending this prayer alert due to the fact that things are becoming increasingly hot on the northern border of Israel and the Golan could become engulfed in the war ! Read the articles and pray accordingly for the Head nation Israel! Pray also for the believers in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and Syria 

111228_invadegazaIran has convinced Syria to allow Hezbollah to open a “new front” against Israel in the Golan Heights, the London-based Arabic-language newspaper al-Hayat reported Wednesday.

Tehran, seeking to prevent the fall of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government, asked Damascus if Hezbollah could set up a new military front against Israel in the Golan.

“All Arabs and Muslims” are requested to join the fight against Israel, Tehran said, according to Israel Radio.

The report comes a week after Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah vowed to respond to Jerusalem’s ostensible aggression against Syria with the help of Syria’s advanced “game-changing” weapons. The next stage, he warned during a speech, would be opening up a front on the Golan Heights.

The Palestinian newspaper al-Quds also reported Wednesday that Tehran had persuaded Damascus “to open the door to jihad” in the Golan Heights in an effort enable Arab and Muslim fighters to unite and confront Israel, so that they’re “ready” if Israel strikes Syria again.

According to unnamed Israeli and American sources, Israeli planes struck sites outside Damascus twice during the first weekend in May, targeting weapons transfers from Iran to Hezbollah. The Syrian regime warned a few days later that it would retaliate immediately to future Israeli attacks on its soil.

The al-Quds website wrote that Iran also discussed the issue with other Arab leaders, namely Jordan’s King Abdullah, who expressed his own “concerns” about the surge of radical Islamist groups, such as the Jabhat al-Nusra, in Syria.

The Lebanese daily al-Akhbar suggested last week that Iran had “reached a final decision” to respond to Israel’s reported strike on Syria by “turning the Golan into a new Fatah-land. The front has become open to Syrians and Palestinians and anyone who wants to fight Israel.”
Earlier this week, the Syrian government announced that it reserves the right to invade the Israeli-held Golan Heights at any time, and accused Jerusalem of violating the terms of the 1974 ceasefire that ended the Yom Kippur War.

During a speech in Damascus, Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi accused Israel of attacking sites near the Syrian capital, allowing rebel groups to operate in the demilitarized zone separating Israeli and Syrian forces on the Golan Heights, and letting those groups kidnap UN observers on multiple occasions.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow Tuesday in what was described as a bid to prevent Moscow from selling the cutting-edge missile defense system, the S-300, to Damascus. Jerusalem fears that the advanced weaponry could fall into the hands of Hezbollah, Syria’s key ally in neighboring Lebanon.

Prayer Points : HE who watches over Israel does not slumber nor sleep ! Ps.121:4:

Ps.83: Isa.49:1-3: Isa.41:8-13

Prophetic Declaration Over Israel

He said, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 2 Kings:6:16

Pray in the Spirit and with understanding


We thank you very much for praying, may you and your families be blessed as you bless us by your prayers

“For Sion sake, I will not keep silent “

Kad Esh Map Team. 


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shabbat shalombanner1Torah reading

Torah Portion TETSAVEH – Shemot (Exodus) 27:20-30:10

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Posted by on 22. February 2013 in Shabbat, Torah


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New Knesset Bible study group off to strong start

More than 30 Knesset members show up for inaugural weekly Bible study session initiated by new centrist party Yesh Atid, which has called for all Israelis to both learn the Bible and serve the nation

Friday, February 22, 2013  Israel Today Staff

tremble1We have already reported several times on Benjamin Netanyahu’s revival of the Prime Minister’s Bible Study group in Israel. Now the Knesset is getting in on the trend with the establishment of its own weekly sessions of scriptural enlightenment.

The initiative came from one of the new Knesset parties, the centrist Yesh Atid, which fields both secular and religious lawmakers.

Despite running an election campaign that emphasized an end to army exemptions for and exaggerated welfare payouts to the ultra-Orthodox Jewish sector, and subsequently being labeled anti-religious by ultra-Orthodox leaders, Yesh Atid has since the election been the most outspoken party about getting more Israelis to study the Bible.

Tuesday’s Knesset Bible study was led by Yesh Atid lawmakers Rabbi Shai Piron, Rabbi Dov Lipman and Torah scholar Dr. Ruth Calderon. More than 30 Knesset members attended the inaugural session.

“Seeing MKs and staff members from ultra-Orthodox through secular studying Torah together showed the beauty of the environment we are creating in this new Knesset,” Lipman told the Times of Israel.

There is a growing sense in Israel that the Bible needs to form the basis of the state’s culture and policies, but that the ultra-Orthodox must not have a monopoly on the biblical interpretation of what it means to be Jewish.

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Posted by on 22. February 2013 in Bible, Israel, Jerusalem, Knesset, Middleeast, Netanyahu, Tanakh, Torah


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Intimacy with Yeshua is death to “SELF”

Shabbat Letter from


I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. John 15:5
Shabbat shalom dearly beloved:
I did not plan to write on this topic but the Holy Spirit commanded me to do so. When I say “commanded”, I mean He “nudged me” but for me every prompting of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) is a command. Most people relate to the Spirit’s promptings and light whispers so lightly that they can never develop true intimacy with Yeshua. Then they wonder what He is saying to them and why is it that they do not know what their purpose is in the Kingdom! Every time the Holy Spirit prompts me, impresses upon my heart or whispers into my being something to say or do for Him, it encroaches upon my plans, my timings and my ideas or opinions! In other words listening to the Holy Spirit demands self-denial and surrender.

Intimacy with Yeshua is only developed by carefully listening and obeying the promptings of the Holy Spirit and they are very surprising and challenging.

When I say “surprising and challenging” I do not mean that they always cause one to suffer (though often it does as death to “self” can come through suffering. Yeshua learnt obedience by the things that He suffered!) Sometimes the Spirit prompts us to do enjoyable things for ourselves like shopping or going to the spa and sometimes it leads us to do wonderful things for others, nevertheless it is always something we did not think about!

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27

I remember when I was freshly married and ordained to the Ministry, the Ruach (Spirit) gave me a dream and in that dream I had another haircut (my hair was long and quite old fashioned at that time) and a much more modern frame in my eye glasses. I was very surprised when I woke up to the clear realization that my Abba was “styling me” Himself! I promptly went to the hair dresser that cut my hair in the exact shape I saw in that dream, the exact same style that I have until this day! I know that “hair” doesn’t seem to be such an important thing but when you lose it or when it does not look nice you realize that YHVH gave us hair for a purpose! And what a blessing this has been! The Holy Spirit style of hairdo that He gave me is so easy to keep looking good that in spite of my many ministry trips I did not have the need to visit the hair salon too frequently! He really thinks about everything!

Intimacy with Yeshua means that He has access to every area of my life! Hair included

You are My friends if you do what I command you. John 15:14

Every time that I ignored a “prompting” or disregarded it because of insecurity, fear or laziness I ended in the “ditch” or in distress, missing something or making mistakes! I always regret it terribly when I was dull to Yah’s promptings!

I noticed that people ignore His whispers when it is “importune” (would “mess” our plans altogether) or when it seemed like a trifle or non-important. But when the Holy Spirit impresses us to do or say something it is never “trivial”. It is always IMPORTANT and it always makes a huge difference!

. John 16:13  But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come

I remember many years ago I was leading a meeting in our home in the Mountains of Jerusalem. This was a prophetic meeting and I was training this particular group of believers to move in the Prophetic Gifts as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12. Everyone was encouraged to stir up their spirits by praying in the Spirit (in tongues see Jude 20) to build up their faith and to listen from the Holy Spirit. Then each one had to bless their appointed partner-brother or sister with a Prophetic Word. Everyone seemed to be flowing wonderfully! But then I saw a lady that was doing nothing. I asked her about this and she said to me: “I get nothing from the Lord to say!” I told her that I don’t believe it! For from my experience YHVH always is ready to speak something to His Creation! In fact He starts the whole Bible with “Elohim said….”

Then Elohim said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. Genesis 1:3

And ever since, He is saying. He is always looking for a channel through whom He can speak. In fact one time there were no people and He had to use a donkey!

And YHVH opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, “What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?” Numbers 22:28

I told the sister, you surely have one word in your spirit? She said: “But it is nothing it does not mean anything!” I said: “GO ahead and give it!” she looked at her partner in this Prophetic Exercise and said “POPCORN!” Well the moment her partner heard the word “popcorn” she broke out weeping! You see the Holy Spirit immediately gave her revelation that her gifts and dreams had been dry like popcorn but soon with hot oil (anointing!) of the Holy Spirit – they will break open and will come to fruition! The word “popcorn” triggered in her this powerful and encouraging revelation! In fact this sister is now with Yeshua in Heaven and she is probably smiling from the Cloud of Witnesses for this one, seemingly insignificant word “popcorn” in a seemingly non important meeting in the Mountains of Jerusalem accompanied for many years to come and encouraged her in her earthly walk!

Never, never disregard ANY word, small or big that the Holy Spirit impresses upon you.
But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word. Isaiah 66:2b

Of course there are other times when the words spoken by the Spirit may make tremendous demands on your life! Such was the instruction that I received from the Holy Spirit at the start of my walk with Him. I was a few months old in the faith and the Ruach sent me to the UK. When I was there and staying with some precious pastors YHVH visited me and changed the course of my life and the life of many thousands forever! I was still very wounded from the ravages of sin and personal family tragedy! My two beautiful children of the tender age of 18 months and 5 were not in my custody after a painful divorce. My heart was broken for my children and yet I could not have them. While in the UK I worked as a nanny and was great at it as I gave to the other people’s children what I would have given to mine that were far away from me in Israel! The time in the UK was a time of deep discipleship and personal restoration. Our wise Elohim knew exactly what I needed! Then one day He surprised me with a most uncommon demand.

I was listening to a tape by a very well- known Bible Teacher and lover of Israel by the name of Derek Prince. He was preaching about Apostolic Ministry and being “sent out”. Then He gave an altar call asking who was willing to be “Sent Out” and to “Go” for the Kingdom. My heart was making flip-flops! I had been thinking lately that I would like to go to Bible School and to serve Yeshua full time but it did not look possible! It was a dream that I forced myself to die to. Then when this preacher gave the altar call I wanted to jump and say: HINENI! (Here I am) like Isaiah. I felt the Spirit pressing me to stand, but my thoughts were arguing “How can I answer such a Call, and what does it all mean? Will I ever be able to see my children if I am “sent out”? So for the sake of some sort of motherhood (even if a visiting mother at this point), I decided to deny the promptings of the Spirit and not to stand up before the Tape Recorder and the teaching tape! I stayed seated! However I felt like I was going to die! I was grief stricken! I had grieved the Holy Spirit!

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30

I realized that I had sinned and begged Him to forgive me for putting motherhood and my children above Him and His High Calling! I begged Him to give me a second chance! I rewound the tape and listened to the altar call again! This time I jumped promptly to my feet and said “HINENI”, I will GO, I will be sent out! Indeed Apostolic Ministry has demanded everything from me and very often I could not see my children for long periods of time. One time for over three years! The price was high and it still is but Yeshua is really all that matters! At the end of the day it is only that obedience born of intimacy with Him that really bears fruit! Many thousands have been and are being touched daily all over the world since I said YES to the Spirit concerning Apostolic Ministry! Many have been saved, healed, delivered and discipled and they in turn are blessing others!

Whenever the Holy Spirit tells us to do something for the King against all odds it will bear Eternal Fruit! Sometimes you will only know much later or in Heaven how effective your service to Yeshua was but never doubt its effectiveness and importance!

What originates with Him, always succeeds if we are faithful to keep walking in intimacy and obeying His promptings for a lifetime!

He who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over thenations. Revelation 2:26

About a month earlier than my UK experience, on the other side of the globe, in Israel, the conference took place in Jerusalem where Derek Prince preached this message that was challenging me! A handsome man by the name of Baruch Bierman in attendance prompted by the same Holy Spirit answered the Call to be sent out to the nations! About a year later Rabbi Baruch and I were married having answered the exact same Call with the exact same message and preacher without knowing about each other! Yah does all things PERFECTLY!

For we are His workmanship, created in Messiah Yeshua for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

It is never too late to start! Even the “smallest” of Calls makes a GREAT difference! Not everyone is called as an Apostle or to be a leader in a ministry. Some are called to SUPORT a Ministry or a Minister. But every gift and call that originates from YHVH is urgently needed to advance His Kingdom! He gave me a second chance to answer His Call! Maybe you need one too? If so go before Him today and ask Him to forgive you for considering your plans, circumstances, needs or loved ones above His Call and for giving Him excuses. Then go ahead and present yourself before Him.

Answer the Call and keep on answering as you obey even the lightest promptings of the Holy Spirit! Your life and the world will never be the same after you DO!

Do not quench the Spirit’s Fire” 1 Thessalonians 5:19


Your Friends and Mentors in Israel,
Bishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bierman
“For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent” Isaiah 62:1

Follow Bishop Dominiquae on Twitter, Facebook and IGPM Prayer Blog Today! 

One of our students and ordained ministers in Congo has 23 students ready to start studies. He says that many more are interested. We are asking our friends and partners to sponsor a whole year of studies for one student including videos, books and workbooks -$220
Click on donations on and earmark it GRM Africa


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Winning the Battle of the Ages




For this reason, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them. Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time. Revelation 12:12

Shabbat shalom dearly beloved!

What is really happening in this world? Where are we going? What does the future hold? Some think that the development of High Tech and Nano-Technology plus Genetic Engineering shows that things in the world are getting better and better since humans seem to be brighter and brighter. While I am quite excited about some High Tech and other developments, the fact that we can now clone animals and even humans makes me feel jittery and for some reason it reminds me of the Tower of Babel. Can you imagine the euphoria they felt when they were about to cross the Atmosphere layer over the earth into the Stratosphere in their building before Elohim stopped them? After all, all they wanted with their own efforts was to reach the Throne of Elohim!

They said, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” Genesis 11:4

Just like a friend of theirs in the Angelic Force of Heaven, a guy by the name of Lucifer decided to lift himself up above the Stars of God and make himself equal to the Most High!

But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ Isaiah 14:13,14

Humans have always wanted to remove the Curse and all limitations by their own efforts! But the Word of Yah (God) tells us that there is only one way to remove the curse and its limitations of disease, poverty and the like. That one way has a name and His name is Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah! He said about Himself “I am the Light of the World”, He went on to say that whoever would walk with Him will never be in darkness!

This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21 But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.” John 3:19-21

The Battle of the Ages is between Light and darkness, Truth and lies, the Rule of Messiah or of anti-Messiah (antichrist). It is about removing hell from earth and bringing Heaven down to earth.

Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10

This particular battle is already won but needs to be implemented seriously by those that have found the Light!

From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force. Matthew 11:12

Broken Foundations-Desensitized to Sin

If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3

The challenge that we face in the 21st Century is the broken foundations in nearly every area of life – In marriage, in relationships between parents and children, in the use of money, in education, in the media, in manners and of course in beliefs.

Foundations are so destroyed that we call what is good, bad and what is bad, good. We have been desensitized to sin and to ungodliness. Our senses have been bombarded with filth coming from media, newspapers, radio, TV, internet, cell phones, billboards etc. There is so much of it that we have accommodated filthy language, dirty thinking, dirty joking, rebellion against authorities, disobedience to parents, fornication, incest, immorality, greed, homosexuality, abortions, corruption in politics, divorces and so much more. This is happening not only in what we call “the world” but inside of our ranks as well, right here in what is supposed to be the holiest, purest and most powerful group of people on earth- The believers in the Messiah!

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, aholy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9

The battle is so “Titanic” that one must be a hero not to succumb to it. One must be 100% committed to the Messiah and disciplined in prayer, the Word, fellowship, praying in tongues, spiritual warfare, worship and declaration of the Word instead of circumstances.

For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Romans 8: 6-8

Yes one has to be wholly devoted and surrender to the Holy Spirit 24/7 by talking to Yeshua continually, practicing His Presence, in order to maintain the anointing that destroys all yokes. We must learn to walk in the Spirit at all times, for if not darkness can easily engulf us! It is a huge battle but we are on the winning side!  We must be aware though that the enemy knows that he has a short time and therefore he has come to attack the foundations of this generation more ferociously than ever. We cannot be oblivious to it or passive! We must learn to walk in the spirit and in obedience! He promised Israel that at times of great darkness Israel would shine with great Glory! In the same way everyone that is grafted into the Olive Tree with Israel! It is at the time of the greatest darkness that we will be covered in the greatest Glory!

Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of YHVH has risen upon you. “For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness is over the peoples; but YHVH will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. Isaiah 60:1,2


There is one powerful promise that can help us to arise above the darkness that is covering the earth,

When a man’s ways are pleasing to YHVH , He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7

How can we walk in such a way that pleases YHVH? We have to walk like our Father Abraham by Faith and not by sight!

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the men of old gained approval. Hebrews 11:1,2

Just like those saints of old we also gain approval and have the God of the Universe on our side when we choose to believe His Word and Goodness above all!

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for He who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

In spite of all the High Technological advances of humans and the quantities of impressive  achievements, the Almighty is not moved by any one of them as much as He is moved by the Faith of those who love Him, obey Him and put their trust in Him alone. When He sees such faith He comes in with His Power and brings untold victories!

For the eyes of YHVH move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His. 2 Chronicles 16:9a

When we walk by faith we do not depend on circumstances and we are not led by the media or our own needs. The only thing that is in front of us is the Word of Promise and the Word of Instruction of the Almighty! Yes! El Shadai has given us amazing promises and also powerful instructions in His Word. He also keeps on giving us promises and instructions as we fellowship with the Holy Spirit who interprets Yah’s Word to us. So in order to please the Father and have all our enemies at peace with us, in order to defeat the enemy at the gate (of our eyes, ears, mouth and heart!) we must walk by Faith believing His Word and Good Character against all odds! Believing only the Truth of His Word as reality and relating to the passing circumstances of life as temporary. When we spend all our day seeking Him (as we walk, as we drive, as we work etc.) and meditating on His Word and Goodness our gates will be open to the Kingdom of Heaven and closed to the hell that is flooding this world daily from all sides!

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:19

We must use the Keys of the Kingdom and BIND the enemy! But what does “bind” mean? It means to FORBID. That is right, we have to forbid the influx of filth from touching our soul and mind and the only way to do it besides saying “I bind you satan” is actually putting on the LIGHT inside of you as you spend 24/7 with your mind on things above!

Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. Colossians 3:2

Once the light inside of us is bright and clear, all darkness (and it does not matter how thick) must flee! Light is stronger than darkness and truth is stronger than lies! There is no comparison between Yeshua and satan. We must know this, because the biggest, fattest and most common lie is that satan is too strong for us; that disease, poverty, immorality, the media and whatever, is too strong for a “normal” believer! Beloved “normal” believers and even the smallest one among us is greater than Yochanan,  John the Baptizer!

Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist! Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. Matthew 11:11

The Word of our Abba tells us that those that are redeemed by Him have a supernatural ability to be strong though they are naturally weak and to multiply though there are many obstructions!

The smallest one will become a thousand, and the least one a mighty nation.
I, YHVH, will hasten it in its time
. Isaiah 60:22



I loved at the start of my walk with Yeshua, the song that says “let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich, let the blind say I can see,  because of what the Lord has done for me”. The key for this victorious walk is in the SAY. We can have whatever we SAY.

22 And Yeshua answered saying to them, “Have faith in God. 23 Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him. Mark 11:22, 23

So what are we saying? And when we pray, are we praying in faith?

Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you. Mark 11:24

Before anything manifests in the natural we know that we have already received it! That is faith!

Before we bought the Eilat Prayer Tower, in fact before I signed the contract I had already written a flyer saying “we have signed the contract” and I did not have any money for it in my hands yet! Kingdom reality manifests when People of Faith bring the Kingdom down from the Heavenly realm to the earthly realm by their prayers of faith and words of faith!

Then Elohim said, “light be”; and light was. Genesis 1:3 from Hebrew

Remember that the thickest darkness was pierced right at Creation when Elohim SAID “Light BE!” and Light was! Yeshua is the Word made flesh and He only SAID what He heard His Father speak. If it was good for Him, it is good for me! I am sure that He spoke not one word of unbelief though He was pure and truthful all the time. The Truth that He lived in, is the Truth of the Heavenly Kingdom and not the reality of hell on earth due to the Adamic induced curse. He knew that this “hellish reality” can be changed to Heaven on Earth by the Power of His walk and talk. That is why He preached, healed and cast out devils all the time. So can we, because believe me we are equipped with all that we need to win the Battle of the Ages and present our Father with a multitude of newly born children!

If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. Matthew 17:20

Walk in the Light, Talk in the Light, Stay in the Light and spread the Light!

We are the winners in the Battle of the Ages!

Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. John 14:12

Your Friends and Mentors in Israel

Bishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bierman


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