Tag Archives: libya

Hezbollah To Open ‘New Front’ In Golan Heights



Beloved Prayer Warriors ,

we are sending this prayer alert due to the fact that things are becoming increasingly hot on the northern border of Israel and the Golan could become engulfed in the war ! Read the articles and pray accordingly for the Head nation Israel! Pray also for the believers in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and Syria 

111228_invadegazaIran has convinced Syria to allow Hezbollah to open a “new front” against Israel in the Golan Heights, the London-based Arabic-language newspaper al-Hayat reported Wednesday.

Tehran, seeking to prevent the fall of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government, asked Damascus if Hezbollah could set up a new military front against Israel in the Golan.

“All Arabs and Muslims” are requested to join the fight against Israel, Tehran said, according to Israel Radio.

The report comes a week after Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah vowed to respond to Jerusalem’s ostensible aggression against Syria with the help of Syria’s advanced “game-changing” weapons. The next stage, he warned during a speech, would be opening up a front on the Golan Heights.

The Palestinian newspaper al-Quds also reported Wednesday that Tehran had persuaded Damascus “to open the door to jihad” in the Golan Heights in an effort enable Arab and Muslim fighters to unite and confront Israel, so that they’re “ready” if Israel strikes Syria again.

According to unnamed Israeli and American sources, Israeli planes struck sites outside Damascus twice during the first weekend in May, targeting weapons transfers from Iran to Hezbollah. The Syrian regime warned a few days later that it would retaliate immediately to future Israeli attacks on its soil.

The al-Quds website wrote that Iran also discussed the issue with other Arab leaders, namely Jordan’s King Abdullah, who expressed his own “concerns” about the surge of radical Islamist groups, such as the Jabhat al-Nusra, in Syria.

The Lebanese daily al-Akhbar suggested last week that Iran had “reached a final decision” to respond to Israel’s reported strike on Syria by “turning the Golan into a new Fatah-land. The front has become open to Syrians and Palestinians and anyone who wants to fight Israel.”
Earlier this week, the Syrian government announced that it reserves the right to invade the Israeli-held Golan Heights at any time, and accused Jerusalem of violating the terms of the 1974 ceasefire that ended the Yom Kippur War.

During a speech in Damascus, Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi accused Israel of attacking sites near the Syrian capital, allowing rebel groups to operate in the demilitarized zone separating Israeli and Syrian forces on the Golan Heights, and letting those groups kidnap UN observers on multiple occasions.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow Tuesday in what was described as a bid to prevent Moscow from selling the cutting-edge missile defense system, the S-300, to Damascus. Jerusalem fears that the advanced weaponry could fall into the hands of Hezbollah, Syria’s key ally in neighboring Lebanon.

Prayer Points : HE who watches over Israel does not slumber nor sleep ! Ps.121:4:

Ps.83: Isa.49:1-3: Isa.41:8-13

Prophetic Declaration Over Israel

He said, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 2 Kings:6:16

Pray in the Spirit and with understanding


We thank you very much for praying, may you and your families be blessed as you bless us by your prayers

“For Sion sake, I will not keep silent “

Kad Esh Map Team. 


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Israel’s enemies turn on one another

Both Hamas and Hezbollah find themselves at risk of open warfare with rival Islamist groups in Gaza and Lebanon-Syria

Thursday, February 21, 2013  Israel Today Staff

130221_turnaroundIt is a given that without the common enemy of Israel, many of the Middle East’s factions would be warring with one another. This is becoming more apparent as a result of the various “Arab Spring” uprisings.

Two of Israel’s most active foes – Hamas and Hezbollah – are currently in danger of being swept up in intra-Arab violence that could cripple their respective ability to threaten the Jewish state.

In Gaza, Hamas has of late found itself in competition with groups affiliated with Al Qaeda and Global Jihad for the hearts of minds of local Palestinians. In response, Hamas has reportedly started rounding up and jailing its rivals.

The information arm of Global Jihad has issued a warning that if Hamas does not cease this activity, it’s cells in Gaza will target Hamas interests and reignite violence with Israel, thereby inviting an Israeli assault on the Hamas regime. That according to Israeli monitoring group Terror Watch.

Along the Lebanon-Syria border, Syrian rebels battling the regime of Bashar Assad are becoming fed up with Hezbollah’s support for the embattled dictator. Hezbollah forces have crossed into Syria and are said to be taking part in battles against the rebel Free Syrian Army. More recently, Hezbollah began firing artillery across the border.

Free Syrian Army officials told the AFP that if the cross-border fire does not stop within 48 hours, Syrian rebel forces will return fire and might even invade Lebanon in order to eliminate the Hezbollah threat.



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Netanyahu: Israel understands America’s pain over embassy murders

PM sends condolences to US after attacks in Egypt and Libya that killed four Americans, including an ambassador; violence the result of Islamists’ intolerance for full freedom of speech

Thursday, September 13, 2012 | Ryan Jones –

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday conveyed Israel’s condolences to the United States over this week’s murders of four consular staff members at the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, noting that no nation knows better than Israel what it is like to deal with such brutal acts of terror.

“The people of Israel grieve with the American people; we send our condolences to the families,” said Netanyahu. “If there’s any people in the world that understands what Americans are going through, what they went through in 9/11, it’s the people of Israel, who’ve been standing at the forefront of the battle against terrorism, who’ve lost loved ones and who deeply, deeply sympathize with the people of America at this time.”

The attack on the American consulate in Benghazi and a parallel assault on the US Embassy in neighboring Egypt were sparked by the distribution of a film produced in America that portrays Islam’s Prophet Mohammed as a violent pedophile. The secretive producer of the film originally identified himself as an Israeli Jew, but has since been disputed.

When the US Embassy in Cairo issued a statement apologizing for the film, many Americans were angered, arguing that even if the content was offensive, America’s freedom of speech guarantees citizens the right to voice their opinions. Others noted that the American apology played into the hypocritical hands of the rioters, who are part of a society that regularly produces music, TV shows and movies that denigrate the Jewish and Christian faiths.

The Obama Administration quickly distanced itself from the embassy statement, insisting that it had not been approved by the White House.

“The statement by Embassy Cairo was not cleared by Washington and does not reflect the views of the United States government,” a US government official told the American online news website Politico.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton put the Libya attack on a “small, savage” group of extremists, and the head of Libya’s national assembly formally apologized for the American deaths on Libyan soil.

However, both the Libya and Egypt incidents have again raised concerns that last year’s Arab Spring has been hijacked radical Islamists who have no intention whatsoever of implementing the kind of Western democracy and social freedoms that were promised.


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Russian Chess in the Middle East – Part II

Israeli experts believe Russia and the US are in a major tug-of-war over Iran, with Moscow fearing that a regime change there would tighten the American Middle East noose around Russia

Monday, August 27, 2012 | Elizabeth Blade –

Russian Chess in the Middle East - Part II



This is part two of a four-part series on Russian maneuvering in the Middle East, and how it affects Israel. If you have not done so already, we recommend first reading Russian Chess in the Middle East – Part I




US-Russian confrontation:

Dr. Rajab Safarov, the director of the Center for Modern Iranian Research (a pro-Iranian think tank based in Moscow) hints that the Kremlin’s stance might originate in Russia’s objection to America’s attempts to reconstruct the Middle East.

“The US managed to organize the chaos that followed the Arab Spring, creating a region that has no place for Russian influence,” argued the pundit, pointing out that the Kremlin lost its foothold in Libya – including billions of dollars in energy and infrastructure deals – after the Gaddafi regime was hastily replaced with elements favoring Washington.

According to the expert, US attempts to limit Russian influence began back in the early 2000s after a series of non-violent revolutions (a.k.a. the “color revolutions”) toppled governments in several former Soviet republics as well as some Balkan states. “Color revolts were just a rehearsal. Now Washington is trying to apply the same strategy to the Middle East,” he reasoned.

Apart from hegemonic ambitions, the expert said US actions have always been dictated by the strong appetite for the region’s rich energy resources.

“To secure the stable flow of oil, Washington tries to establish local regimes, faithful to their masters. In exchange for loyalty, the US is ready to turn a blind eye to numerous violations of human rights and abuse of women,” charged the expert. “Saudi Arabia – one of the main exporters of terrorism – is just one of such examples,” he added.


Referring to the developments in Syria, Safarov explained that Damascus’ only fault is that it’s not ready to dance to the tune of the US State Department, provoking Washington’s ire. Therefore, no matter what reforms President Assad implements, they won’t suit the American government, which hopes to replace the current regime with more West-friendly puppets,” he added.

Addressing the issue of what’s going to happen next, Safarov said: “The ouster of the Syrian president will push the country into chaos and destruction, potentially leading to a civil war. Syria could fall apart into small states that would be difficult to control, while the US will encounter serious hardships in appointing a new leader.”


However, the replacement of the current regime in Syria is far from Washington’s main objective. “Syria is a gateway to Iran,” said Safarov, explaining that the fall of the regime in Damascus will weaken Tehran and its regional allies (like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip) and will get the US closer to the footsteps of Russia and China.

“If Iran falls, Washington will tighten the noose around the neck of the Russian regime. Pro-western Iran will put an end to the stability inside Russia. The country will be surrounded by US military bases and will be forced to spend billions of dollars on security, trying to protect itself from potentially hostile neighbors. The economy will sink, as Washington will control energy-rich areas and vital transportation routes. Moreover, by controlling Iran, the US will be able to dictate the rules of the game to China, a country that’s currently importing some 20% of its energy from the Islamic Republic,” Safarov told Israel Today, suggesting that Moscow is unlikely to support any military action against Iran.

Israel and Other Minorities:

In a bid to tackle the rising challenges, secure its interests, and restore its shattered reputation (after losing the support of the Arab street following Russia’s backing of Assad’s government), the Kremlin seems to be working to establish ties with some minorities of the region.

Several weeks ago, a Middle East subsidiary of one of Russia’s biggest energy titans Gazprom Neft sealed two oil deals with Iraq’s self-ruled Kurdish region, acquiring 40% and 80% share in two blocks, said to hold 3.6 billion barrels of crude reserves.

The contract – promising billions of dollars in revenue – was signed shortly after a visit by top-ranking Russian officials to the Kurdish capital of Erbil, where the parties discussed a series of “regional and national issues,” indicating that the move was driven by political considerations.

Yet, Safarov believes the cooperation between Russia and the Kurds won’t bear any fruit. “The Iraqi Kurdistan has signed the contract with Russia after getting the approval of Washington, which controls the area. America can call the deal off at any moment by saying that they cannot provide Russian companies with any security guarantees. This means that Russian staff can be kidnapped or even killed, a risk that no Russian company would be willing to take,” he stressed.

This leaves Moscow with limited options. As Syria shows signs of potential dissolution, the currently ruling Alawites could grow closer to Russia, fearing future persecution by the Sunni majority. Even though the creation of an Alawi state is still being debated, some reports indicate that Assad is already building the infrastructure for such a state along the Mediterranean coast. Some reports claim that he is building his fortress, deploying troops to the area, and training the region’s inhabitants to become the backbone of the Alawi state’s future army.

Israel could also become a potential ally of Russia. After President Vladimir Putin visited the country last June, Moscow cancelled the supply of S-300 surface-to-air missiles to Syria, indicating that the two countries might find a common ground for strategic cooperation.

But Safarov says the Kremlin is unlikely to side with Jerusalem, given the fact that Russia has always eyed with suspicion Israel’s close ties with the US. “This is a marriage of convenience not love,” he said, referring to the recent boost in relations. “Apart from being an American client, Israel is also helping the rivals of Russia like Azerbaijan and Georgia, destroying Russian weapons that cost millions of dollars. So even though some sort of cooperation does exist, it’s not going to be strategic,” he concluded, while pointing out that a strong pro-Israel lobby inside the Kremlin has been influencing Russian decision-makers towards greater cooperation with the Jewish state.

Check back  for the continuation of this important story.


Posted by on 29. August 2012 in Iran, Israel, Kurdistan, Kurds, Middleeast, Putin, Russia, USA


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The Changing Middle East: Revolt Against Artificial Borders – Part III

With the Syrian regime’s fall presumed imminent, Israeli experts agree that dangerous days are ahead, but that Israel could benefit greatly if it handles the situation properly

Thursday, August 16, 2012 | Elizabeth Blade –

This is Part III of a three-part story on the Middle East’s changing borders. If you have not done so already, we suggest first reading The Changing Middle East: Revolt Against Artificial Borders – Part I  and  The Changing Middle East: Revolt Against Artificial Borders – Part II

What should Israel expect in this constantly changing environment? Here opinions differ.

“Up until now many in the Israeli establishment believed Assad was a guarantee of stability, as he was the person who kept our northern border quiet for the past forty years,” said Paz. “Now the situation is changing with many officials preferring to see him toppled. In any case, chaos is not good for Israel because it’s not manageable, you can never know what the outcome will be,” he continued.

Talking about the possible repercussions for the entire area, Paz also stressed that the fall of Assad could lead to further destabilization, prompting revolts in Jordan and Palestine, two areas that have thus far remained relatively stable. “The Jewish state might be drawn into a conflict if the regime [in Jordan] is threatened,” he said. The expert referred to the events of 1970 when Israel was prepared to send troops to Jordan in a bid to oust Palestinian Liberation Organization, a terrorist movement that aimed to depose the late King Hussein.

Perlov voiced a different view. “No matter what happens, we shouldn’t panic. The division of Syria is not fatal for Israel. I am sure we will be able to come to terms with Kurdistan and any other new state that might emerge. Any scenario is better than Assad,” she reasoned, while acknowledging that the ouster of the current regime might create power vacuums, easily filled by hostile elements that could promote violent cross-border tensions and crime. “There are dangers but with the right management of the crisis, Israel can only benefit from a new regime in Syria,” she concluded.

There are historical precedents for bloody conflicts that were resolved by partition. The dissolution of Yugoslavia in 1990’s — a region with a history of ethnic conflicts — brought the creation of several independent countries that mostly live in peace with each other. Will Syria share the same fate? Experts agree that it is too early to tell.


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